Sunday, May 10, 2015

Reduce Neck Pain By Over 80% in 3 Months With These 3 Moves

sharp neck pain

Nothing ruins a good morning like waking up to a stiff or sore neck. If this statement sound familiar it might be time to revamp your regular morning routine (and you haven’t been in a serious accident) then this article is specifically for you.
More often than not, neck pain is caused by a lack of strength in the various neck muscles that support you head.
This muscle weakness can lead to more than just  sharp neck pain though, if not treated properly, this sharp neck pain can lead to chronic and severe headaches, as well as other spinal and cranial issues.  This article will focus on three neck strengthening exercise to alleviate pain and get rid of your sore neck in the morning.
These exercises are meant to be completed three times a week over a three month period for best results (about 80% strength increase). For each movement, keep your knees slightly bent. Using 2- to 5-pound dumbbells, do at least 3 sets of 8 to 12 reps, 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days.

1. Shoulder Shrugs

Using your 2- to -5 pound dumbbells stand with your feet just slightly inside of shoulder width apart. Hold your arms at your side, with your palms facing in. keeping your arms straight, pull your shoulders up to your ears and hold for a count of three seconds then lower your shoulders. This exercise will target the trapezius muscles which run from the scapula to the top of the back of your head.

2. Upright Rows

For this workout you will need dumbbells that weigh about 2-to-5 pounds. Stand firmly with your feet shoulder width apart. Start with your palms in front of your thighs and facing you’re your legs. Bend your elbows out to the side; pull weights to about collarbone height and pause for three to four seconds. Lower and repeat.  This workout is meant to target your trapezius and deltoid shoulder muscles

3. Reverse Flies

To perform this workout you will need two dumbbells weighing from 2-to-5 pounds. Stand with your feet six inches apart. Slightly bend your knees and hinge at your hips to bend forward, make sure to have your chest and face facing the floor. Keep your arms hanging down with your palms facing each other. Squeeze your shoulder blades and raise your arms sideways till they are parallel to the floor. Pause for two to three seconds then lower and repeat.
The best part about these workouts is that they can be performed at almost any time of day and almost anywhere. Once you have gained some strength, consider increasing weights or sets and reps as to further alleviate your neck pain.

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