Wednesday, May 27, 2015

14 Crazy Bits Of Tech That Prove The Future Is Now

You’ll often hear people exclaiming “The future is now!” whilst brandishing some kind of memory stick or something that could go to school, pass every test with flying colours, invent Facebook and Apple at once and make love to your wife better than you could 1,000,000 times every second… but you never really take any notice.
But now you should. Because the future is now… soon… clever people have made clever things. Have a look.

1. Sure, it sort of defeats the whole point of the Rubik’s Cube but you know… Science.


2. Because it’s way cooler than an Engaged/ Vacant sign, that’s why!


3. Burger in a can. Eww… Just eww.

14+Crazy+Bits+Of+Tech+That+Prove+The+Future+Is+Now 14+Crazy+Bits+Of+Tech+That+Prove+The+Future+Is+Now

4. 3D doodling. It’s going to be like the Spongebob episode where his doodle (Doodlebob) comes to life and tries to kill him. We have too much to worry about already without that happening.

5. Wheelchair that can climb stairs. Mind = Blown


6. Learn to cook without burning stuff. All the fun of cooking minus the actual pay off…


7. Traffic lights that tell you how long you have left. Good luck jumping these bad boys.


8. A different type of digital clock. Are we the only ones who think it’s somehow slightly adorable?


9. No need to ever make an effort to learn a foreign tongue ever again!


10. Dat sum mad ting


11. Adverts that react to their environments! Oh that’s a bit creepy. Wicked cool though…


12. No need to ever look in your fridge to see what’s in there ever again!


13. A bin that catches your rubbish. That’s how they do it in those videos!


14. Driverless cars… but can we trust them?!?!?!?!? Illuminati etc etc…


So there you have it. The future is now… although that’s a massive paradox.
Future-y things are happening at the moment. Hows that?
So get used to it. Things are only going to get more crazy.
Tell us your thoughts in the comments!