Saturday, February 15, 2014

Bank Employee Shot in the Head by Security Guard

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It’s got to suck when you hire a security guard to protect the employees of your bank from armed robbers, only to see him become friends with other emploees, build trust and then when they least expected it, shoot one of them in the head to become an armed robber himself.
This is what happened in a branch of Ambank in Subang Jaya, Malaysia. A security guard shot a female employee in the head, took undisclosed amount of money from a safe she’d temporarily opened and without a guard to stand in his path, disappeared.
37 year old Noazita Abu Talib, mother of two who’d worked for Ambank for 16 years died on the spot. WTF? Heartless bastard had no reason to shoot the defenceless woman in the face.

Here’s the video. Latest news has it that in the meantime, the killer has been arrested at an airport:

Lahad Datu The Latest photos You Never See Before.

Philippine Sulu Soldiers Killed During Occupation of Lahad Datu, Malaysia

On February 11, 2013 Philippine Sulu militants from Simunul island in Tawi-Tawi arrived illegally by boats in Lahad Datu, Sabah, on the Borneo island in Malaysia. 235 militants who said they were from the Royal Security Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo were sent by Jamalul Kiram III who claims Sabah belongs to the heirs of the Sultanate of Sulu and him being one of the claimants to the throne, he considers it their lawful right to reside in northern Borneo.
Malaysian security forces have been stationed around the village of Tanduo where the group had gathered and while deadly clashes with casualties on both sides continue to occur, negotiations for the peaceful resolution are reportedly ongoing.
Sitti Jacel, the daughter of Jamalul Kiram III said her father’s supporters went to Lahad Datu to reside on their ancestral territory, not to wage war with anyone. She added that they were determined not to leave unless a suitable solution to their claim to the territory was offered. Meanwhile, Malaysian authorities labelled the Royal Security Forces of the Sultanate of Sulu and North Borneo a terrorist organization.
Muslim separatists from Mindanao, Philippines with headquarters in Sulu known as the Moro National Liberation Front promised to send thousands of soldiers to Sabah as reinforcements to the Sultanate of Sulu’s militants. Islamic Malaysia previously armed Islamic Moro National Liberation Front to assist them with separatism efforts from Catholic Philippines. Now they may see the weapons they had supplied used against them. Reminds me very much of what’s coming as a result of the west arming Islamic extremists who fight in Syria…


Sulu Soldier Torn to Pieces After Fight with Malaysian Military

Skeleton of Slain Person Discovered After 2013 Lahad Datu Standoff

Decomposing Ripped in Half Corpse Found in the Village of Lahad Datu

Deflated Head Sulu Militant Does Pointers

Group of Philippine Sulu Soldiers in Lahad Datu, Malaysia

A Soldier with a Villager from Lahad Datu

Malaysian Soldiers Inspecting the Corpse of Killed Comrade

Take a Note of Brain Matter Resting Next to the Slain Body

Militant Taken Out with Epic Headshot

Monday, February 10, 2014


VYBBJ-TRJPB-QFQRF-QFT4D-H3GVB for Project 2010 Professional
BFR7Q-BJJ7T-FB2RC-RQP9G-J78GC for Project 2010 Professional
22HGX-728MX-BBWX9-7BB8X-J96B4 for Project 2010 Professional
CQYRY-3KBR3-JW34C-VGH7M-MQM49 for Visio Premium uses
PQCFB-YGXGC-TXB66-DH3VW-GCGYQ for Visio Premium uses
Office 2010 Professional Plus      
MSDN Retail     2J47K-J32XK-4F3BP-QGPF6-G3P6D 
Office 2010 Standard      
MSDN Retail     7TF8R-933DG-MCBQR-TXPM7-G4JRM 
MSDN Retail     6DJK7-G8G3F-FXB42-8V7CW-3R22X 
MSDN Retail     GF8X2-9XRHD-FM2W9-WVRTC-7B3PG 
MSDN Retail     GFVR6-3B64G-BWB8P-QDV62-XFV2R

Sunday, February 9, 2014

EasyBreath Snorkeling mask

EasyBreath Snorkeling mask

Published on Feb 9, 2014
Snorkeling isn't the most difficult skill to master—especially compared to scuba diving—but only breathing through your mouth is a skill that doesn't come easy to everyone. The Easybreath mask promises to make first-timers seem like snorkeling pros with a full face design that lets anyone breathe like they were still standing on shore.
It might look a little dorky strapped to your face, but the Easybreath mask keeps your mouth and nose open so you can breathe normally, while a double air-flow system ensures the moist air you're exhaling is quickly removed. And that of course has the added benefit of the Easybreath mask never fogging up while you're underwater.

The part of the snorkel tube that stays above water to suck in fresh air and release exhaled breaths also features a special valve that seals when the mask is completely submerged, preventing the wearer from gulping down a mouthful of water. And while that's not a particularly new innovation, it just adds to the $55 Easybreath's overall appeal if the thought of even just sticking your face underwater has you panicking.

Small in size, big on power: New     microbatteries a boost for electronics

Image courtesy of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology

The graphic illustrates a high power battery technology from the University of Illinois.  Ions flow between three-dimensional micro-electrodes in a lithium ion battery.

CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Though they be but little, they are fierce. The most powerful batteries on the planet are only a few millimeters in size, yet they pack such a punch that a driver could use a cellphone powered by these batteries to jump-start a dead car battery – and then recharge the phone in the blink of an eye

  • Developed by researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the new microbatteries out-power even the best supercapacitors and could drive new applications in radio communications and compact electronics.

  • Led by William P. King, the Bliss Professor of mechanical science and engineering, the researchers published their results in the April 16 issue of Nature Communications.

  • “This is a whole new way to think about batteries,” King said. “A battery can deliver far more power than anybody ever thought. In recent decades, electronics have gotten small. The thinking parts of computers have gotten small. And the battery has lagged far behind. This is a microtechnology that could change all of that. Now the power source is as high-performance as the rest of it"
  • With currently available power sources, users have had to choose between power and energy. For applications that need a lot of power, like broadcasting a radio signal over a long distance, capacitors can release energy very quickly but can only store a small amount. For applications that need a lot of energy, like playing a radio for a long time, fuel cells and batteries can hold a lot of energy but release it or recharge slowly.

  • “There’s a sacrifice,” said James Pikul, a graduate student and first author of the paper. “If you want high energy you can’t get high power; if you want high power it’s very difficult to get high energy. But for very interesting applications, especially modern applications, you really need both. That’s what our batteries are starting to do. We’re really pushing into an area in the energy storage design space that is not currently available with technologies today.”

  • The new microbatteries offer both power and energy, and by tweaking the structure a bit, the researchers can tune them over a wide range on the power-versus-energy scale.

  • The batteries owe their high performance to their internal three-dimensional microstructure. Batteries have two key components: the anode (minus side) and cathode (plus side). Building on a novel fast-charging cathode design by materials science and engineering professor Paul Braun’s group, King and Pikul developed a matching anode and then developed a new way to integrate the two components at the microscale to make a complete battery with superior performance.

  • With so much power, the batteries could enable sensors or radio signals that broadcast 30 times farther, or devices 30 times smaller. The batteries are rechargeable and can charge 1,000 times faster than competing technologies – imagine juicing up a credit-card-thin phone in less than a second. In addition to consumer electronics, medical devices, lasers, sensors and other applications could see leaps forward in technology with such power sources available.

  • “Any kind of electronic device is limited by the size of the battery – until now,” King said. “Consider personal medical devices and implants, where the battery is an enormous brick, and it’s connected to itty-bitty electronics and tiny wires. Now the battery is also tiny.”

  • Now, the researchers are working on integrating their batteries with other electronics components, as well as manufacturability at low cost.

  • “Now we can think outside of the box,” Pikul said. “It’s a new enabling technology. It’s not a progressive improvement over previous technologies; it breaks the normal paradigms of energy sources. It’s allowing us to do different, new things.”

Triton Oxygen Respirator Extracts Air 


My perception of a pristine and peaceful scuba dive changed when I went for my first dive off the Great Barrier Reef. It looks so easy in the movies, but the breathing underwater with an oxygen mask is difficult. Don’t let those practice lessons in the swimming pool fool you! To make it easier for us, here is the Triton Oxygen Mask For Diving. It is a very convenient oxygen respirator concept that allows us to breathe under water for a long time by simply biting it. It also does not require the skill of breathing in and out while biting mouthpiece like conventional respirator.
  • Triton uses a new technology of artificial gill model.
  • It extracts oxygen under water through a filter in the form of fine threads with holes smaller than water molecules.
  • This is a technology developed by a Korean scientist that allows us to freely breathe under water for a long time.
  • Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores the extracted oxygen in storage tank.
  • The micro compressor operates through micro battery.
  • The micro battery is a next-generation technology with a size 30 times smaller than current battery that can quickly charge 1,000 times faster.
Triton is a 2013 sadi product innovation studio project.
Designer: Jeabyun Yeon



To breathe under water, we must learn how to use complicated oxygen respirator. If we can stay under water for a long time through an easy way, many changes will occur in our marine lifestyle. TRITON is a very convenient oxygen respirator concept. It allows us to breathe under water for a long time by simply biting it. It also does not require the skill of breathing in and out while biting mouth piece like conventional respirator. It is a portal oxygen respirator for breathing under water as if being on ground by simply biting it.

Technology and structure

TRITON is an oxygen respirator that has been created based on various technologies. TRITON uses a new technology of artificial gill model. It extracts oxygen under water through a filter in the form of fine threads with holes smaller than water molecules. This is a technology developed by a Korean scientist that allows us to freely breathe under water for a long time.
Using a very small but powerful micro compressor, it compresses oxygen and stores the extracted oxygen in storage tank. The micro compressor operates through micro battery. The micro battery is a next-generation technology with a size 30 times smaller than current battery that can quickly charge 1,000 times faster.


Final mock-up

For More New Invention please Copy The Link Bellow to Video

Hope You Enjoy It.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Boob Melons Hoax – 'Vietnamese Gourd or Pumpkin


Circulating message that features a series of images depicting objects shaped like human female breasts claims that the objects are gourds or pumpkins that grow naturally in Vietnam.
The objects are not naturally growing gourds or pumpkins as claimed. In fact, they are the work of Vietnamese artist, Nguyen Thi Hoai Mo and are made from silicon and other materials. The artwork luffas graced a wall at the Goethe Cafe in Hanoi.













实际上,Mask Man早就不看好興权会能够从国阵身上得到什么好处。相信很多看清国阵真面目的网民也都知道,国阵一向言而无信,只会许下那些空白的承诺,每一届大选都在骗选票,每一届都有人心甘情愿的上当,过后才来捶胸顿足哭父哭母。興权会只不过是另一只天真的羔羊罢了。



Hindraf chief to quit minister, senator post on 


KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 8 — Hindraf chief P. Waytha Moorthy will resign from both his government and Senate posts on Monday in a protest move against Putrajaya’s alleged failure to deliver on promises to aid the Indian community.
According to The Star Online, the Hindu rights group also apologised to the community for raising their hopes when it agreed to support the Barisan Nasional (BN) administration.
Hindraf secretary P. Ramesh reportedly said that the decision on Waytha Moorthy’s impending resignation was reached by the group’s central committee after it found that Putrajaya has been “dragging its feet” on its pledges, despite signing the 18-point memorandum of understanding last April 18.
“Hindraf owes its loyalty to the Malaysian Indian poor community and to them only.
“We did the most unthinkable - signing a pact with our one-time nemesis, entirely in the interest of the Malaysian Indian poor and in the honest belief that Barisan Nasional will fulfil its promises.
“We have given up hope of that happening, after eight months of trying,” Ramesh was quoted as saying by the news portal.
He added that despite Waytha Moorthy’s appointment as Senator and deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, the latter’s attempts at ensuring the pledges were delivered were met with an “unending series of delays and dead ends”.
“It is now clear to us that the Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional are not going to honour the memorandum, as they have neither the political will nor courage to deliver,” Ramesh was quoted as saying. Waytha Moorthy went pro-government last year and took a pool of Hindraf leaders and supporters with him, armed with a belief that Hindraf’s support for BN would result in a better life for the country’s Indian community. Hindraf was outlawed by the federal administration following the historic rally it organised in 2007 to demand rights for the community.But several months before the 2013 general election, the government decided to lift the ban, earning accusations from critics that the move was merely a political maneuver to win the Indian vote.

Jaguar who turned into Jaws

Jaguar who turned into Jaws

Sneaky big cat swims across river and then pounces on reptile basking on a sandbank

How hungry do you have to be before fighting a caiman sounds like a good idea? In the Pantanal, Brazil's eastern wetlands, the answer seems to be "about average."

The photos show a stealthy jaguar slowly emerge from undergrowth behind a yacare caiman that's busy sunning itself on the opposite side of a stretch of river. Undeterred by the water, the jaguar slips into the river, sneaks up behind the caiman, and attacks.

"He lifted the 150lb caiman from the ground and trotted toward the water like it was a doggie bone," Black told the Daily Mail. "The fact he attacked from the water is astonishing ... It was reminiscent of crocs attacking land animals in Africa."
Panthera, a wild cat conservation group, reports Brazil's Pantanal is home to the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic lists the animal as "near threatened," noting the creature is often targeted by hunters, as well as ranchers who see the cats as a threat to livestock.

 Hunt: This jaguar was filmed launching a ferocious attack on a caiman as it basked in the sun in western Brazil. Above, the animal crouches down as it plans its attack

Stealth: The 20-stone cat stalked the reptile while it lay on a sandbank by the Cuiaba River in the Pantanal Wetlands. Above, the jaguar glides silently across the river

In danger: The cat, nicknamed 'Mick Jaguar' by biologists in the region, is captured approaching the small island, while the Yacare caiman relaxes leisurely in the sun

Killing: This is the dramatic moment a male jaguar sneaks up behind a Yacare caiman before it launches a ferocious attack

Panic: As the jaguar attacks, the caiman attempts to make an escape

Brutal: Photographer Justin Black, 39, who witnessed the attack, said: 'He lifted the 150lb caiman from the ground and trotted toward the water like it was a doggie bone'

Vicious: The battle-scarred jaguar is estimated to be seven years old. He is almost blind in his right eye, which is believed to be due to battles defending his territory

Savage: Following the struggle, the powerful jaguar could be seen clinging onto the Yacare caiman with its strong teeth, before whisking the leathery creature away

Victorious: According to scientists, there are an estimated 4,000-7,000 Jaguars in the Pantanal Wetlands. Above, the victorious cat drags the caiman through the river

Jaguars are starting to become a tourist pull in this area of the Pantanal because they can be regularly seen in broad daylight.
Elsewhere, jaguars are often hunted and tend to be shy and reclusive, making them much harder to see in the wild.
Biologist Charles Munn from the Jaguar Research Centre predicts that in 2013, 4,000 people will come to see the caiman-hunting jaguars.
The scientist believes this could rise to almost 100,000 eco-tourists per year in 2025 and eclipse sports fishing as the biggest tourist pull in in wetlands - which span an area the size of the UK.
He added "My goal is to use sustainable, exciting Jaguar tourism to stabilise land-use and protect forests in half of the Pantanal, which offers the most extraordinary wildlife spectacle in the Americas.'
There are estimated to be between 50,000 to 100,000 jaguars in the wild throughout South America